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来源:云南旅游纯玩团   发布时间:2009-03-29 21:50:15   点击次数:881  


                        Dinosaur’s hometown and the Yi culture
      Chuxiong Yi Autonomous Prefecture was established in April 15, 1958, is located in the southwest border of the central Plateau Central Yunnan, the state land area of 29,258 square kilometers, in the mountains, Mid-levels of the total area of about 95 percent. A total of 766,000 ethnic minority people, accounting for 30.96 percent of the total population and the Yi ethnic autonomy are 25 percent of the total population. Chuxiong City has a jurisdiction (Chuxiong City) and 9 counties (Shuangbai, Mouding, South China, Yao'an, DaYao, Yongren, Yuanmou, Wu ding, and Lu Feng). Autonomous Prefecture of Chuxiong City, the capital of the Lucheng, l773 meters above sea level, is leading to the Western Yunnan provincial capital Kunming engaged in border trade and an indispensable part of the land.
      Chuxiong state has rich natural and human landscape. The highest point in the 3657 meters above sea level, the lowest point 556 meters, is a subtropical monsoon climate. It has three-dimensional climate characteristics. The forest coverage rate to 27.93 percent, and has more than 6,000 kinds of plants, build more than 1,300 kinds of herbs, 100 species of wild animals, 380 species of birds. Mineral resources to copper, iron, coal, waiting for the salt, oil, natural gas has broad development prospects. Chuxiong Yi Zhou is a magic and beauty of the land, is "a land of paleontology" and "human hair," - and the world-famous fossils of Yuanmou and Lufeng Guyuan dinosaur fossils unearthed here.
      Chuxiong has a lot of interesting places in fact, it was only because of geographical reasons, almost all the guests are outside the province went straight to Dali, Lijiang has left. I wish this place growing up in between Dali and Lijiang. aha.

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